Master´s of Internet-Security
IT allows us to work comfortably in our home office or control our house smartly, shop on the Internet, use online banking, watch films, play games and make everyday life more comfortable. But the higher level of digitalization also brings greater risks: IT security incidents are on the rise and even include highly sensitive areas, such as critical infrastructure, which affects our society as a whole.
For graduates of a bachelor's degree in Informatics with an interest in IT security (IT security, information security, cyber security), the master's program in Internet security at the Gelsenkirchen campus of the Westphalian University therefore offers the opportunity to learn and redevelop sophisticated IT security technologies, concepts and architectures.
Structure and Content of the Study Program
Students can start their studies in the winter or summer semester. A combination of compulsory modules deepens the foundations of computer science laid in the bachelor's program and expands them with specific knowledge in the field of cyber security. Interdisciplinary specializations, for example in data protection and ethics as well as higher stochastics, are also added. In this way, students can deepen the qualifications of their previous, subject-related studies and intensively enter into the practice and theory of IT security.
Study Focus
Due to the wide range of elective modules, students have the opportunity to set individual focal points. The promotion of interdisciplinary key qualifications, which play a decisive role for later career entry, such as planning and organization of a solution process, communication in the group and with customers as well as conflict resolution, is also taken into account in the practice-oriented project modules. Current topics and methods from application-oriented IT security research are dealt with and new IT security solutions and strategies are designed. Students learn to implement and control work processes on their own responsibility. The program concludes with the master's thesis and the associated colloquium. In doing so, they can prove that they are capable of solving challenging technical practical problems.
Key Facts
Type of Degree
Master of Science
Standard Period of Study
4 semesters
Beginning of Studies
Summer and Winter semester (March/ October)
Further Information
by ASIIN e.V.

FB 3
Professor für Cyber-Sicherheit in der Fachgruppe Informatik I
Leiter des Instituts für Internet-Sicherheit - if(is)
Datensicherheits- u. Netzbeauftragter
Studiengangsbeauftragter Master Internet-Sicherheit
Raum: A4.1.06