Events & Activities for Exchange Students
Orientation Week for Exchange Students
The orientation week for exchange students organized by the International Office usually starts with a Welcome Day. It includes an introductionary information session, a campus tour at our Campus Gelsenkirchen as well as a city tour/scavenger hunt to explore the city of Gelsenkirchen.
During the next days, day trips to different German cities are offered which are organized and accompanied by our student tutors (we visited the beautiful cities of Münster and Cologne in the last semesters). Other typical events during orientation week are our Bowling Night and International Picnic.
Semester Program for Exchange Students
During the semester various events & acitivies are offered to exchange students by the International Office. The goal is to facilitate their integration into German daily life and culture and to build intercultural friendships.
Every semester the student tutors organize day trips, intercultural events as well as different sport activities. Exchange students from all campuses are always welcome to join these events and activities.
Do you have any questions/suggestions regarding our events and activities? Feel free to contact the student tutors Leonie and Nicole directly via email